12 May 2010

Interest based or issues based...

Been thinking a bit lately about my faith and how I want it to be an integral part of my life, not just an appendage.  This not only affects my buying habits, my eating & exercise habits, but what about church...
I came across this video today

"Sunday's Coming" Movie Trailer from North Point Media on Vimeo.

Funny? Or true..especially for those who attend church, or who are caught up in this routine & ritual and have to feed the beast every week.  Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a good/professional service that has been put together.  We just attended Passion Conference in Kiev on Monday which was great.  But I think it was great BECAUSE it doesn't happen every week. It is a BIG event that we look forward to.  It would be nice if it was about 3-4 times a year.  But when we try to reproduce that kind of thing every week we are quickly heading for burn out, and not only that but we lose the opportunity for relationship and community.  The old adage that "People don't care what you know until they know that you care," I think is very true here.  I want my faith to be outworked in relationships, people and community, and social justice, not meetings, events & entertainment. (Check out this for an example)  This I think is the faith that stacks up with what God requires of us.
PS: Check out Creative Worship Tour's take on this video


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