30 April 2012

First Scan

7 weeks into the pregnancy we were required to have our first scan.  This was scheduled in the holidays after Easter on 11th April.  We had to travel to Whangarei as that is the closest place for us under our Fertility Treatment clinic.  I wasn't quite sure what to expect -- all I knew was that it was uncomfortable because I had to have a full bladder!
Almost immediately after she got the picture up on the screen we could see the little baby & then Jon noticed straight away it's heart beating. It was almost as if the whole thing was a heart!  It was going crazy -- 153bpm.  She then measured it at 1.2cm long & told us that everything was fine & it was in the right place, right size & a good heartbeat.
It was quite a surreal experience and confirmed that something was happening down there -- that I truly was pregnant.  We had to stop & thank God -- we are truly fearfully & wonderfully made.
We then celebrated by going to our favourite Indian restaurant in Whangarei.  It was a good day.
Here are some pictures the radiologist gave us.

Heartbeat to the left

I am now 10 weeks pregnant and everything is going well so far.  I have felt a bit sick at times, but nothing too major.  I am always extremely tired & my eating habits have got very strange and are hard to understand.
We are in the process of finding a midwife up here & our Fertility clinic has signed us off & we will transfer through to the normal system.  I have also stopped taking the Progesterone pills I had been on since the egg had been put back, so things seem to progressing normally at the moment.
We are now just starting to think about preparing a room for baby & start buying things.  We have also made the news public to everyone -- not that it was a very well kept secret anyway!!

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