There has been a couple of things in the past week that has made me think about this topic.
Firstly, last Friday we were in town & decided to have a look around Harrods. It was shut, so we just browsed the many window displays which were full of musical stuff as that was the theme at the moment. Each window display (there were about 30-40 of them) had many guitars & other technical gadgets that would be easily worth many thousands if not millions of dollars altogether! It was rather spectacular if not ridiculously over the top! On our trip around the block, we bumped into a homeless guy called Mark. Very nice person, talked to us for a bit & then told us he was selling the poems he had written to try to make a bit of money to get to a shelter for 2 weeks. I applauded his effort to do something & use his talents & we ended up buying 2 of his poems. (One of them I have is here in the photo.) He was very thankful & went on his way, about 5 mins later be banged into another guy whose name was
The second thing that made me think of this topic was the movie we watched on Wednesday. It was called “The pursuit of happiness” and about a guy who was struggling to pay the rent, etc. and make ends meet. At times he found himself & his boy homeless & it gave me the feeling of us wandering the streets of both
To wrap these 2 experiences together I am challenged & reminded that when the opportunity presents itself, will I show mercy, help a man in need, give a little grace, maybe some money or something… I never know that maybe that one little thing may be a link in the chain that helps a man out of despair, brings him into belief or shows him that not all mankind is out there to rip you off or take advantage of you. Let’s give a little, lets show a little, lets give people another chance. After all, someone has done it for us!